Let A Northglenn Insurance Agent Save You Money Before The End Of The World
Posted: January 5, 2012
There's one day in particular that some people fear, while to others, it has no importance. This day is December 21, 2012, also known as doomsday. If you're not familiar with this topic, the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. Because of this, people have speculated that it implies the end of the world. The Bible describes the end of the world as doomsday---initiated...
Make This New Year's Resolution A Good One: Let A Thornton Insurance Agent Help You Save
Posted: December 23, 2011
2011 was a big year for everyone: students graduated from high schools and colleges, people got married, babies were born, and many other remarkable things. Some of us are glad this year is coming to an end and are anxious to begin a new year, while, for others, it's bittersweet. In 2011 many important events occurred, like discovering Kepler-22---a new planet, New York City legalized...
Don't Text And Drive And Get An Instant Low Quote for Insurance In Northglenn
Posted: December 8, 2011
Everyone is always in a rush to get somewhere these days which causes reckless driving. Many people know that talking on the phone, texting, and doing other things like putting on makeup or eating causes accidents, but people continue to do them. Every year about 6,000 deaths and 1 million injuries are caused by distracted drivers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says that 23%...
Kepler-22 And Home Insurance. Northglenn: What This May Mean To You
Posted: December 6, 2011
Earth was created for human beings but, over time, it's been destroyed by pollution and hazardous materials. Having a nice car and a decent sized house with a two car garage is part of the American Dream. In time, things will change---technology will modernize and grow. Hopefully that means our environment will begin to heal. Many wonder what we'll do if the earth is uninhabitable...
Why Should I, as a Northglenn Resident, Get Pet Insurance?
Posted: November 8, 2011
Everyone has a best friend, perhaps more than one. Many think of their pets as their most loyal companions. Some may even consider them as children. Animals are some of the best and most loyal friends you can have. All they ask for in return is a nice walk, some attention, and a full bowl of food. Your animal is certainly special to you, so...